A survey conducted by Bharatiya Stree Shakti shows that 90% of the young girls and women don’t know much about safe sex and safe sex practices. In this survey, more than 80% of young girls confessed ignorance about the dangerous side effects of Emergency Contraceptive pills. More than 90% of women expressed that these advertisements should display a warning message regarding the dangerous side effects of consuming these pills.
It needs to be repeatedly mentioned in all the campaigns that these are EMERGENCY pills. Today there is little or no awareness of the ill effects on human body of excessive consumption of E C pills. These are NOT 100% safe. Depending on the health of patient, excessive consumption of these pills can reduce the effects of the normal contraceptive pills, it can cause problems in conceiving, irregular menses, excessive bleeding during menses, weight gain, damage to ovaries, early menopause in young women, etc. BSS is spreading awareness of these ill effects amongst the young girls and women.
In a complaint filed with Advertising Standard Council of India and Health Ministry, Bharatiya Stree Shakti has demanded that these pills should be sold by the medical shops only with the prescription from a Doctor.