Presently, we work in 10 states:Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Chandigarh and Odisha.We have30 branches,5 NGOs affiliated with us,10 counselling centres, 120 self-help groups and 20,000 members and volunteers who help us meet our goals. In addition:
- Our counselling centres have handled over 5000 cases so far.
- Two of our counselling centres are funded by Central Social Welfare Board,Ministry of Women and ChildDevelopment.
- We are official counsellors for select special cellsattached to police stations inMaharashtra.
- We’ve reached over 5000 womenthough our Legal Awarenessprogrammes.
- Our workshop “Kali Umaltana” – an adolescent age training –has empowered over 2 lakh
- We’ve conducted Gender Sensitization programmes for over 7,000 teachers and students.
We are onNGO Darpan’s, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth’s and theMumbai Sheriff’s list of recommended NGOs. We are also registered with National Commission for Women.